CSDL tài liệu nghiên cứu về kinh tế - Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) là nỗ lực hợp tác của hàng trăm tình nguyện viên ở nhiều quốc gia nhằm tăng cường phổ biến nghiên cứu về kinh tế. Trọng tâm của dự án là một cơ sở dữ liệu phi tập trung gồm các bài báo làm việc, bản in trước, bài báo và các thành phần phần mềm. Dự án bắt đầu vào năm 1997. NetEc tiền thân của nó có từ năm 1993.

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Research methods for the fashion industry

Research Methods for the Fashion Industry provides readers with a comprehensive look into the skills and techniques required for conducting research. The text is designed for the most effective teaching and retention of the lessons contained in it, using the tried-and-true methods of learning. Discussing the principles of research methods as they apply to fashion, each chapter is divided into three sections: theory, practice, and application. After finishing this text, readers will be able to conduct a research project and analyze the results using critical thinking skills. An informative and useful resource for students, this book can also serve as a reference for industry professionals.

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Research methodology

This book is useful to those students who offer the Research Methodology at Post Graduation and M.Phil. Level. This book is also very useful for Ph.D. Course Work examinations.

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Reasoning & writing well: A Rhtorie, research guide, reader, and handbook fourth edition

This modes-based reader/rhetoric/handbook offers students a comprehensive and student friendly approach to the writing process that emphasizes critical thinking as the key to successful college writing.

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The Bedford Guide For College Writers with reader, research manual, and handbook

With its process-oriented rhetoric, provocative thematic reader, up-to-date research manual, and comprehensive handbook, The Bedford Guide for College Writers gives your students the tools they need to succeed as writers -- all in one book.

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应用语言学- 研究方法与论文写作 = Applied Linguistcs: Research Methods and Thesis Writing


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Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom

The Handbook of Research on Assessment Literacy and Teacher-Made Testing in the Language Classroom is an essential reference source that discusses effective language assessment and educator roles in evaluation design. Featuring research on topics such as course learning outcomes, learning analytics, and teacher collaboration, this book is ideally designed for educators, administrative officials, linguists, academicians, researchers, and education students seeking coverage on an educators role in evaluation design and analyses of evaluation methods and outcomes.

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Giáo trình nghiên cứu kinh doanh = Business research

Nghiên cứu kinh doanh có nhiệm vụ tạo ra những thông tin chính xác cho việc ra quyết định kinh doanh. Trọng tâm của nghiên cứu kinh doanh là chuyển việc ra quyết định vốn dựa vào những thông tin mang tính trực giác, chủ quan đến việc ra quyết định dựa vào những thông tin có được từ việc điều tra, nghiên cứu mang tính khách quan, khoa học và có tính hệ thống cao. Điều đó có nghĩa nghiên cứu kinh doanh như là một quá trình khách quan và có tính hệ thống của việc tập hợp và phân tích dữ liệu phục vụ cho việc ra quyết định kinh doanh

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Research for effective social work practice

This is the fifth and final text in McGraw-Hill's new series NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIAL WORK. The text covers the basics of using and conducting social work research in a user-friendly, practical way, and provides many examples of social work research drawn from the literature as well as the authors' many years as social work educators, researchers, and evaluation consultants.

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Elementary classroom management : Lessons from research and practice

Stressing the need to build caring, supportive relationships with and among students, Elementary Classroom Management: Lessons from Research and Practice offers research-based guidance on effective classroom management. It addresses current concerns about student motivation and helps prospective and beginning teachers develop a philosophy of classroom management that focuses on building connections with students and creating safe, caring classrooms.

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